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Mac Pro Late 2013 Adobe Premiere Hardware Acceleration

  1. Mac Pro Late 2013 Adobe Premiere Hardware Acceleration Problems
  2. Adobe Premiere Pro Mac Free
  3. Adobe Premiere Pro Hardware Requirements

I have been using Premiere Pro CC for a few weeks, now and I've grown to really like it, But it's hit and miss as to whether It'll play ball. I'm using a late 2013 MBP 8GB ram OS 10.12.4 For some reason PP won't freeze in the conventional sense, but all video will stop and then it'll not play back. I can still Zoom on the timeline and all that. Mac Pro is designed for pros who need the ultimate in CPU performance. From production rendering to playing hundreds of virtual instruments to simulating an iOS app on multiple devices at once, it’s exceedingly capable. At the heart of the system is an Intel Xeon processor with up to 28 cores — the most ever in a Mac.

Could anyone give me a steer as to which Mac Mini model to buy?

I've got a mid 2012 Mac Mini which struggles with Adobe Premiere Pro CC.

One of my kids intends to follow a film-making route at school, so I guess we need a machine that will cope better with Premiere Pro.

Compared to the mid-range 2012 model, the mid-range 2014 Mini has better a graphics card, but fewer cores and the RAM can't be upgraded by the user.


I'd normally go for the latest, 2014 Mini, but I read a review that said its lack of cores could be an issue with video editing. Has anyone got experience of video editing on either or both the 2012 and 2014 Mini models?

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Mac Pro Late 2013 Adobe Premiere Hardware Acceleration Problems

Downloaded CC 2014 today on my shiny new Mac Pro and tried to do some a simple cross dissolve transition on text but when I went to render it out to a file it came out as a garbled mess. When I turned off MPE hardware acceleration it seemed to fix this issue. Anyone else having some weird issues with hardware acceleration?
Computer Specs:
12 Core Mac Pro 2013
32GB Ram
2 x D700 6GB
1TB Flash Storage

scottcrozier wrote:
Downloaded CC 2014 today on my shiny new Mac Pro and tried to do some a simple cross dissolve transition on text but when I went to render it out to a file it came out as a garbled mess. When I turned off MPE hardware acceleration it seemed to fix this issue.
Mega-thread on the subject here. It's a known issue and is being worked on by Adobe, Apple, et al.


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    Try resetting the SMC and NVRAM
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    Next note the time of text problem and then after reboot open the Console app and look for log entries at that time. Post suspicious ones here

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    If your plan is to run XP with 3D, why not BYO and go after an Intel X58 Core i7.
    Otherwise, keep your eye on Apple Specials (ref'd) units.
    Save. And hope the new Intel Core I7 'Nehalem' arrives soon.

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    Yes it does.
    It's called OS X Lion - fully updated.
    There are no known viruses for MAC OS.
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  • Hey everybody,
    One of the major reasons I decided to buckle down and pay for PPCC was the OpenCL Hardware acceleration with AMD cards. I run two AMD Radeon 7870s in Crossfire right now, and I immediately noticed a huge difference in performance when editing. When it came time to export my video, though, Premiere Pro would crash after rendering around 2% of the full video. I've tried both with and without Crossfire activated but using OpenCL with Hardware acceleration crashed my export no matter what. As soon as I turned it back to regular Mercury Playback (software only), the project rendered just fine.
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    Yes. I have problems with my new AMD 1950 3GB. I creat 2h 20 min project on premiere cc and put on all material color correction. NO lumetri. Premiere crache on export about 1h after working.
    I was editing AVCHD material and export from presets to Blu-Ray H264 and mpeg2 with the same result.
    My conf.
    Xeon E5-2620
    Asus Z9PE-D8 WS
    System&Apps disc: SSD vertex 3
    Project: veloci raptor 250GB
    Export: veloci raptor 250GB
    RAM: 32 GB
    Graf: radeon HD7950 3GB, Gigabyte
    When I switch to my old card - nvidia - GTX470 everything just go fine and my export is finish perfectly.
    I was using beta driver from amd 13.4.
    It is confusing because I bought that card especially for Premiere CC, and I was thinking to bought second one, and maybe more.
    Please help what can I do with it.
    Sory for my english

  • *Hello,*
    **I seem to have a rather unknown problem because after hours of google'ing I found nothing.**
    **I'm working on a late 2008 Mac Pro with the 8 core Nehalem processor and 12 gigs of ram and some other hardware like a Blackmagic Decklink HD extreme.**
    **(If you care to know the exact specs I can gives those to you, but right now I'm degrading the Mac Pro to 10.6.0.)**
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    **But recently our drives got really, really slow. It wouldn't even play PAL footage realtime in our Final Cut timeline.**
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    **How does this happen and, more importantly, how do we get rid of this?!**
    **Good to know; our 27' iMac or any other device in this building _does not have_ this problem. It's just the Mac Pro after an update.**
    **Please help us out.**
    **Kind regards,**

    I have the same problem with any mac that has 10.6. On macs that I can go back to 10.5 on they work fine and fast. I install a used system at a client and that CPU is new enough to not be able to revert to 10.5 and their NAS is so slow that it is unless. So it's Apple's problem, they broke the protocol for NAS in 10.6 and will not fix it. My clients don't want to make the Move to 10.7 at this time,I am not eve sure if NAS will work well with 10.7 and I think Apple has to rethink its policy of forces us to upgrade to the lastest OS to get their problems fixed. Fix 10.6 to NAS protocol.
    Maybe we don't need major system upgrades every year. Fix the current system before you give us more problems with a major OS upgrade.
    Now I might sound tainted, but I have been an Apple person since the first, Apple II came to market. I sold many of them. So lets not go back to Apple 1980's when they couldn't get anything right. They may be all powerful, now but they need to remember when there were rumors of them being sold and the stock sold for $11.00 a share.
    I have searched for a fix, and many forums have stated the problem, but I just can't figure why they haven't relized that Apple mess up the protocol in 10.6. Its simple, everything works fine on 10.5 they forced us to upgrade to 10.6 and it's broke. go back to 10.5 and it's fixed. So logic states that Apple's 10.6 is different when it comes to NAS protocols. Simple. Fix go back to 10.5 Real fix. Apple needs to fix it with a patch to 10.6
    I have no problems with someone proving me wrong that it works fine, in 10.5 and is broken, very slow in 10.6.

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    Well, I've covered this extensively here:
    A Basic Guide for Migrating to Intel-Macs
    If you are migrating a PowerPC system (G3, G4, or G5) to an Intel-Mac be careful what you migrate. Keep in mind that some items that may get transferred will not work on Intel machines and may end up causing your computer's operating system to malfunction.
    Rosetta supports 'software that runs on the PowerPC G3 or G4 processor that are built for Mac OS X'. This excludes the items that are not universal binaries or simply will not work in Rosetta:
    Classic Environment, and subsequently any Mac OS 9 or earlier applications
    Screensavers written for the PowerPC
    System Preference add-ons
    All Unsanity Haxies
    Browser and other plug-ins
    Contextual Menu Items
    Applications which specifically require the PowerPC G5
    Kernel extensions
    Java applications with JNI (PowerPC) libraries
    See also What Can Be Translated by Rosetta.
    In addition to the above you could also have problems with migrated cache files and/or cache files containing code that is incompatible.
    If you migrate a user folder that contains any of these items, you may find that your Intel-Mac is malfunctioning. It would be wise to take care when migrating your systems from a PowerPC platform to an Intel-Mac platform to assure that you do not migrate these incompatible items.
    If you have problems with applications not working, then completely uninstall said application and reinstall it from scratch. Take great care with Java applications and Java-based Peer-to-Peer applications. Many Java apps will not work on Intel-Macs as they are currently compiled. As of this time Limewire, Cabos, and Acquisition are available as universal binaries. Do not install browser plug-ins such as Flash or Shockwave from downloaded installers unless they are universal binaries. The version of OS X installed on your Intel-Mac comes with special compatible versions of Flash and Shockwave plug-ins for use with your browser.
    The same problem will exist for any hardware drivers such as mouse software unless the drivers have been compiled as universal binaries. For third-party mice the current choices are USB Overdrive or SteerMouse. Contact the developer or manufacturer of your third-party mouse software to find out when a universal binary version will be available.
    Also be careful with some backup utilities and third-party disk repair utilities. Disk Warrior (does not work), TechTool Pro (pre-4.5.1 versions do not work), SuperDuper (newest release works), and Drive Genius (untested) may not work properly on Intel-Macs. The same caution may apply to the many 'maintenance' utilities that have not yet been converted to universal binaries.
    Before migrating or installing software on your Intel-Mac check MacFixit's Rosetta Compatibility Index.
    Additional links that will be helpful to new Intel-Mac users:
    Intel In Macs
    Apple Guide to Universal Applications
    MacInTouch List of Compatible Universal Binaries
    MacInTouch List of Rosetta Compatible Applications
    MacUpdate List of Intel-Compatible Software
    Transferring data with Setup Assistant - Migration Assistant FAQ
    Because Migration Assistant isn't the ideal way to migrate from PowerPC to Intel Macs, using Target Disk Mode or copying the critical contents to CD and DVD or an external hard drive will work better when moving from PowerPC to Intel Macs.
    Basically the instructions you should follow are:
    1. Backup your data first. This is vitally important in case you make a mistake or there's some other problem.
    2. Connect a Firewire cable between your old Mac and your new Intel Mac.
    3. Startup your old Mac in Target Disk Mode.
    4. Startup your new Mac for the first time, go through the setup and registration screens, but do NOT migrate data over. Get to your desktop on the new Mac without migrating any new data over.
    4. Copy the following items from your old Mac to the new Mac:
    In your /Home/ folder: Documents, Movies, Music, Pictures, and Sites folders.
    In your /Home/Library/ folder:
    /Home/Library/Application Support/AddressBook (copy the whole folder)
    /Home/Library/Application Support/iCal (copy the whole folder)
    Also in /Home/Library/Application Support (copy whatever else you need including folders for any third-party applications)
    /Home/Library/Keychains (copy the whole folder)
    /Home/Library/Mail (copy the whole folder)
    /Home/Library/Preferences/com.apple.mail.plist (* This is a very important file which contains all email account settings and general mail preferences.)
    /Home/Library/Preferences/ copy any preferences needed for third-party applications
    /Home /Library/iTunes (copy the whole folder)
    /Home /Library/Safari (copy the whole folder)
    If you want cookies:
    /Home/Library/Application Support/WebFoundation/HTTPCookies.plist
    For Entourage users:
    Entourage is in /Home/Documents/Microsoft User Data
    Also in /Home/Library/Preferences/Microsoft
    Credit goes to another forum user for this information.
    If you need to transfer data for other applications please ask the vendor or ask in the Discussions where specific applications store their data.
    5. Once you have transferred what you need restart the new Mac and test to make sure the contents are there for each of the applications.
    Written by Kappy with additional contributions from a brody.
    Not knowing what you did when you migrated from your PB to the MBP, I can't really comment, but it's quite possible it didn't go as well as you think. Numerous users who migrated from PPC Macs to Intel Macs ended up with an Intel Mac that didn't work properly because Intel coded components had been replaced by PPC coded components.

  • OK, I've done some Googling and can't really find what I'm looking for, so I thought I would pose the question here as I continue to search around. Here's the situation:
    I have a late 2007 Mac Pro with a GeForce 7300GT graphics card that has been working just fine
    I wanted to add an additional card in order to output to a TV in my office, so I figured I'd just look for another 7300GT
    Found one: http://www.ebay.com/itm/121062296751?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m149 7.l2649
    Bought it, installed it. Nothing.
    I feel like I should know this already, but does it really matter who the manufacturer is as long as the chipset is the 7300GT? Is there anything I can do to get this situation working or was I a little hasty in buying a card that I didn't fully understand?
    Like I said, I'll keep searching around, but any help that anyone could provide would be much appreciated.

    The card you have already has two ports on it, and can support two displays at once, according to Apple:
    PCI Express graphics
    NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT 256MB (single-link DVI and dual-link DVI)
    To convert DVI to HDMI for a TV, all you should need is a DVI --> HDMI cable.
    If you are going to buy a new card, the Apple-firmware 5770 (as hatter recommends) can replace your current 7300 card. Works in all models of mac Pro. Accelerated drivers in 10.6.5 and later.
    • Only genuine Apple cards are guaranteed to show a picture at power on.
    • PC cards flashed with Apple firmware may not show a picture until the login screen, making debugging difficult when your Mac will not boot right up.
    • PC-only cards will not show a picture under Mac OS X.
    • Note: [This may be changing with some advanced NVIDIA cards in to 600 and 700 series, but they are overkill for this application.]

  • Hi!
    First of all, I just wanna say - help from as many as possible would be highly appreciated, as I've talked to apple service center etc. No one knows what the problem is.
    Alright, here we go. I purchased a Mac Pro with 2x500GB HD, 4GB Ram and 2x2,66 Dual Core Intel Xeon processors just two weeks ago. Up until now, it has worked flawlessly.
    The first thing I did, was I imported my home folder from the .mac software Backup, and it worked fine. Everything was okay for a week or so.
    Then I used the application Visual Hub to convert some video files into iTunes, and it worked fine. Along with this, I downloaded stuff with Tomato Torrent - four or five downloads, couple of gigs, but not too much.
    And then the mystery started. I had the following applications open; Pages, Mail, Safari, iTunes, Visual Hub, Tomato Torrent and iCal. All of a sudden, iTunes crashed, saying it couldn't save the session or something, and my music library xml file got damaged. This happened quite a few times, and I had to re-import all the songs and movies and make new playlists.
    Pages said it couldn't save to disk, and Mail said the startdisk was full (it had over 350gb of free space).
    I forced a shutdown and when I restarted the machine, the blinking folder with a question mark showed up. I re-started it again, and it found the startdisk, and I got into MacOsx. However, no applications would open and if I tried to copy anything or empty the trash, the dialog box marked files as DW and NE instead of the file names.
    So I restarted from the install disc. It couldn't activate the main HD when I tried Disk Tools, and found lots of faults on the main HD that couldn't be repaired. After 5 or 6 restarts it finally found it, and I was able to re-install Mac OsX.
    After that, it seemed okay. Everything worked as it should, but the machine is working very slow, and when opening files and folders I sometimes get the wheel of death. It hangs in almost every application and when I try to move around a finder window for example, it jumps around in sharp movements instead of gliding.
    Disk tools can't find any problems on the harddrives anymore. Everything seems okay, but I feel that it's not.
    Apple says it might be the harddrive or the memory.
    I really do not want to send them the machine, cause I really depend on it. My question is - could this be a hardware or software problem?
    If it is a software problem, does anybody know what it can be?

    I agree that it might be the hard drive or memory.
    Run Apple Hardware Test.
    Get some backup drives going, and use Disk Warrior and SuperDuper.
    Did you import from a G4/5 computer some applications? don't. Install only.
    Were any of the drives or memory 3rd party or all Apple?
    When you installed the system again, did you erase? you should. And especially because it came up with errors and problems. You NEED 3rd party disk repair (Disk Warrior is the most reliable and preferred).
    It sounds like Visual Hub or Tomato threw a monkey wrench into the gears.
    And at this point your drive and file system needs to start all over, fresh, from scratch, and backup your data files, and then reformat.
    The only way to know is to physically test and do the things that a 'mechanic' does, with more tools and experience with tools and problems.
    iTunes can push the limits and stress RAM, so it is a good way to find marginal or poor RAM. So is Memtest. But it takes awhile, but can be run 16 copies at once to test 256MB chunks for 4-5 cycles. No guarantee.
    Zero your drives. It helps insure they are working. External hard drive not being recognized mac. Or put them in a PC or run XP/Vista on your Mac Pro and use vendor tools (LifeGuard, Seatools, etc) to map out blocks or zero the drive)
    It also ounds like the drive's permissions were trashed in the process and the ownership locked you out. Or something. WhatSize and OmniDiskSweeper and good. Or Tomato turned something on/off or into soup or sauce.
    Never continue to use a system after freezes and crashes without taking some precautions, maintenance, booting from an emergency 2nd drive.
    Use FSCK in single user mode.
    Do a Safe Boo.
    run Applejack to delete all the cache files along with any swap files (can't hurt, some don't see the need).
    Make a list, Rule something out and move on. But you will have to start with a freshly erased drive or partition, fresh OS, and then gradually test and add, one thing at a time.
    Lastly, when you do install the OS, and have made all the APPLE updates, make a backup.
    Create a disk image as well (sparse) on another drive/s. Setup one as 'emergency only' and never add or alter or use it for anything other than running updates to Apple, disk repair stuff, testing the main drive.
    If you get to having a stable system, back it up as a clone of your working system. Put it away (Firewire is ideal).
    Updating to 10.4.11 or something ?
    backup first so you have a working copy. Only add or update programs AFTER you have a backup. Takes longer but you can 'fall back' and have a recovery plan.
    Installing an application that you are unsure of or might cause trouble? even an OS update can cause trouble, and there is no easy way yet on OS X to 'back out' or uninstall or revert to an earlier point or driver or version. The only way I know of it with backups and more backups.
    Which is why I have JUST the OS on its own drive, just have to deal with applications and the system that way, and all the data and personal files are safe but also backed up.
    Rather than use online backup, get some backup disk drives.
    That may or should be 'common sense' approach to installing and updating. Takes longer. Protects you and your data.
    When you had to re-import your data again and again, you were already walking on thin ice, about to go. Or had gone and just hadn't hit yet.

  • I have just installed and extra 8 gig of ram however i seem to be getting more beachballs hangups than i had before. I have installed the ram in the appropriate fashion but i just get more hangups. I have cleaned the system using onyx and all the caches are clear but i still get hangups. Please help

    I see more trouble from people using Onxy. Coincidence?
    Does it work with just the new RAM?
    They are fully Mac Pro FBDIMMs with large heatsink and in paired slots?
    Have you run Apple Hardware Test and Memtest (or Rember) with them?

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Mac Pro Late 2013 Adobe Premiere Hardware Acceleration
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